The Italian Association for Technology and Environment – A.I.T.A. mission is to promote environmental issues leveraging innovative technologies through the development and diffusion of logistic and instrumental structures related to the eco-technologies.
AITA carries on his mission by supporting training programs in the field of Technical-Environmental professional skills and triggering new job opportunities in several cross related areas. AITA has created a special project centred on the relation which exists between the use of telematic technologies, integrated with concepts of communication of multimedial languages, and the defence of the environment highlighting the scientific, economic and productive links between technology and environment. AITA has been assigned by the Ministry of Work as the co-ordinator of a job training program denominated Professional Job Program -PIP. This program is managed by the Regional Committee for Job Regulations and accepted by EEC through the General Directorate of Job Policy. AITA activities include environment protection programs, in collaboration with other Environmental Associations, and Professional Training.AITA has got a high technological Know-how thanks to the joint venture with Information Communication Technology Associations. AITA offers services and assistance concerning environmental and telematic programs related to job orientation and training. Moreover, on behalf of Local Government Institutions and in the frame of Job policy and strategies support programs, conducts consulting activities and know -how spreading by promoting study and analysis programs over the whole Italian territory.
Finally, AITA follow his mission taking part to several ECC programs joining international partners, each collaborating to the Project activities providing the added value related to his specific skill area.